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Di.. 14. November 2017 | 20:30

Das Konzert wurde (noch) ohne Ersatztermin abgesagt.
Gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gütigkeit, sie können aber auch zurückgegeben werden.

Dear friends,

I am sad to inform you that we will be cancelling all of our European shows AFTER the 11th of November. This includes shows in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and England. My band and I have been on the road two solid years and don’t plan on stopping in the new year, so for overall health and well being, this is the decision that we had to make. We hope you understand and hopefully you were able to catch us in one of the mentioned countries earlier this year and if not – I assure you that we will be back at some point in the new year. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets, your money will be returned to you of course, and perhaps we will see you in a city near by in the first half of the tour which we still look very forward to doing and will make stops in all the countries listed above, save Italy, and as well as Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. And if not, like I said, we look forward to seeing you again next year.

Til then,
Peace always
Xo km

Nach dem erfolgreichen Album „Singing Saw", das 2016 in vielen Jahresbestenlisten gelandet ist und mit „I Have Been To The Mountain" sogar einen kleinen Radio-Hit enthielt, erschien am 16.06.2017 mit „City Music" das neue Album des Songwriters Kevin Morby auf Dead Oceans, das er live wieder mit Band präsentiert. Es ist eine Sammlung, die von den Erfahrungen in Amerikas Großstädten inspiriert ist. Oder wie Morby sagt: „It is a mix-tape, a fever dream, a love letter dedicated to those cities that I cannot get rid of, to those cities that are all inside of me.”

Präsentiert von: Intro, MusikBlog, ByteFM und Lift

17.- Euro Vvk plus Gebühr
21.- Euro Abendkasse
13.- Euro Mitglieder

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Di.. 14. November 2017


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Hammerschlag 8
Schorndorf, 73614 Deutschland